Recently Robert and I have been through a short but tough season where we felt very strapped financially. We decided to start praying for God's blessing over our finances, partly because we didn't know what else to do, but also because He tells us to pray. Since we tithe, and His word says he will open the floodgates when we do so in my heart we knew God would make a way for us (Malachi 3:10). So we prayed and budgeted like we never have before and we made it through. The miracle of it all is that since we started praying just a few short weeks ago we have been so blessed financially through my art ministry. God is SO good. I knew He was our provider, but when we were praying for the provision we were more aware of the blessing as it came.
As I lay in bed this morning I was just recounting all of His blessings these past few weeks, and I was overwhelmed with thanks. So I did a thank you doodle for God!
This verse comes from Luke when Jesus healed a man and then told him to go and share all that the Lord had done for him, just after this verse the text reads, "so the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him". That is me today, telling you how much Jesus has done for us. God is so good, and faithful and He answers the prayers of his children. And when He answers our prayers, we give thanks!
By the way, this is a doodle of our sweet house 1445 Bexley!
You can purchase a print of this #scripturedoodle here.
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